Minuly patek, 15. zari, slavi stredoamericke zeme Den nezavislosti na Spanelsku, kterou ziskali v roce 1821. Narozdil od naseho 28. rijna, ktery bychom ani nezaregistrovali nebyt to den pracovniho klidu, se obyvatele a skolaci na mistni oslavy obyvatele pripravovali velmi svedomite – dva tydny tady na kazdem dome visi aspon jedna vlajka, obchodni domy jsou jimi ovesene a vlajecky ma samozrejme kazdy autobus a taxikar na prednim skle (tady bych to ale na jejich miste az tak neprehanel).
Samotne oslavy probihaji dve hodiny, mezi desatou a dvanactou hodinou dopoledne, a zaci mistnich skol prochazeji slavnostni okruh mestem, drtiva vetsina z nich zurive bubnuje do rytmu (taky to byl poradny randal, kdyz nejmin tyden predtim nacvicovali) a ostatni jenom mavali. Nase skola mela vysadu, ze jsme nemuseli bubnovat, ale kazdy student mel za ukol privezt svou vlajku a nejake narodni obleceni. Nekteri to vzali velmi vazne – a vypadalo to cele vazne dobre. 110 lidi z necelych 70 zemi.. Pochod si vylozene uzivali a mistni taky, bylo jich na ulicich nespocetne! (i kdyz, co je to proti obrovskym vojenskym prehlidkam, jake jsem videl na zaberech z Mexika)
Na jeden den tak mohl kazdy ze studentu byt patriot, hrde nest svou vlajku a naoko “opovrhovat” ostatnimi. Ale naslo se i nekolik zajimavych momentu, napriklad kdyz si kluk z Izraele a holka z Palestiny na chvili vlajky vymenili..
Koneckoncu posudte sami, odkaz na fotky je nahore a popisky budou odted primo u nich (na prani ctenaru 🙂 ..
-= * =-
Last Friday, September 15, central-american countries celebrated their gaining of independence from Spain (1821). As a contrary to our October 28, which you wouldn’t notice at all if there was not a public holiday, the locals had been preparing themselves very well – for two there had been at least one national flag on every house, the supermarkets are full of paper flags on the walls and railings and a flag on a windshield of every bus and taxi is a must (but I wouldn’t exaggerate it so much being in their place).
The celebration itself took two hours between from 10 to 12 in the morning and the local school pupils form a parade around the whole city, a vast majority of them drumming like crazy (and it was really loud when the practised the whole week before) and the others only waving. Our school didn’t have to practise drumming but every student was previously asked to bring a flag and a national costume. Some of the kids took it very seriously – and it was really ‘cool’. 110 people from almost 70 countries.. They really enjoyed the parade (me as well) and also the locals filled the streets completely! (but it’s still nothing compared to military parades that I saw on television shots from Mexico)
For one day every student could be patriotic, hold his flag proudly and to feel “above” the other countries (bot of course not seriously). But some interesting moments occured as well, for example a guy from Izrael and a girl from Palestina exchanging flags for a while..
Well, see the pictures, the link is above and the comments are added directly to them (readers’ wish 🙂 ..
2 replies on “den nezavislosti / independence day”
dik za ty commenty u fotek, je to mnohem lepsi!
Jinak jsem se byl mrknout na SNC, je videt, ze na tebe vsichni vzpominaji… v Gossip Boxu (nyni Papaya box) stalo: “Premek is sooo sexy… Premek is sooo far” 😉 dobre ne?
uplne mi to vyloudilo usmev na tvari.. nevim, kdo to psal, ale kazdopadne tomu cloveku dekuju..
za popisky fotek nemusis dekovat, nebyls jediny, kdo si na to stezoval.. 🙂