Costa Rica 06/07


… je zkratka pro Outgoing Preparation Seminar, neboli vikend pro zajemce o zahranicni praxi. Ja jsem se na nem podilel jako ziva ukazka toho, jak nekdo takovy vypada – a taky jsem chtel videt, jakym zpusobem podobne vikendove akce funguji tady v Kostarice.

Misto bylo vybrano nadherne, uprostred kopcu a presto jenom pulhodinku od hlavniho mesta, v “parku” zvanem Fossilland. Cestou jsme museli prekonat pomerne strme stoupani a nakonec slapat jeste asi 20 minut do jeste strmejsiho kopce k chate, ale vyhled stal za to (na fotky je odkaz nahore). Protejsi kopce, neprilis vzdalene mesto, samoty uprostred luk, proste parada 🙂

Samotny prubeh me trochu zklamal, snad jediny z tech, co meli na starosti program a byli pripraveni, byl Martin a jeho casti agendy o ruznych kulturach a rozdilech mezi nimi.. Uz jsem dokonce zacal premyslet, ze bych se na nejakou mistni konferenci vydal jako jeden z tvurcu programu, akorat ze v nejblizsi prijatelne dobe (tak nekdy od prosince) jich tady moc nebude.. Ale jinak bylo fajn, obzvlaste tu cast, kdy se me mistni studenti vyptavali na rozdily mezi stredni Amerikou a Evropou (a jejich nevericne pohledy, kdyz sem jim rikal o jizdnich radech a moznosti stezovat si, kdyz neco neprijede vcas) jsem si uzival.. Bohuzel to byla jedna z mala casti, kdy jsem se mohl zapojit nejak vice aktivne, protoze proste melou strasne rychle a nestihal sem jejich spanelstinu.. :-/ Mam jeste minimalne 3 mesice, snad se to jeste zlepsi..

Jsem zvedavy, jak se jim bude darit – vetsina rikala neco o Evrope, tak se treba se nekdo z nich ozve..

-= * =-

… is an abbreviation for Outgoing Preparation Seminar, which is a weekend for people interested in an internship abroad. I was a part of the weekend as to show them how a trainee looks like “live”. And I also wanted to see how these things work here in Costa Rica.

The place was fabulous, in the middle of hills and still only half-an-hour ride from the capital, in a “park” called Fossilland. We had to drive through quite a steep hill and walk about 20 minutes more to reach the house but the view was worth it (the link to photos is above). The opposite hills, not very far city, lonely houses in the middle of meadows, simply great 🙂

The flow itself was a little disappointment for me, maybe the only ones responsible for the agenda and being prepared were Martin and Luis Diego and their respective parts about various cultures and differences inbetween. I even started to think to be interested more in the conferences here as facilitator, the problem is that in the near future I should be working more for the school here than for AIESEC – and there are not many conferences around, especially from January onwards.. But in the end it was ok, I enjoyed especially the part when I was telling the local students about differences between Europe and central America (and their heads shaking while telling them about timetables and a possibility to complain when your bus does not arrive on time).. Unfortunately it was one of not-so-many parts where I could take more active part because of the language barrier, they still speak too quickly for me.. :-/ I’ve got three more months, I hope it gets better..

Now I’m curious how they are going to succeed in looking for an internship – most of them told me something about going to Europe so I hope they will tell me..

3 replies on “OPS”

Ty kravo, tomu teda rikam konference. Bych si taky nechal libit. V sobotu jedem uz po druhe v poslednim mesici na Sec 🙂 ta ma taky neco do sebe, takove nostalgicke misto.

No ani se nedivim, ze konference na takovem miste jako mas na fotkach je neefektivni.


ahoj murmotko,
konecne som si zase paradne pocitala 🙂 ja idem najblizsie facilitovat na FEEL ale OGX cast, to sa tesim … a este sa tesim z nasich CC, ze sa postupne ozyvaju, tolko som sa chystala napisat im vsetkym, tak sa to konecne podarilo …
no moje praktikum u vasich severnych susedov bolo perfektne, a nezabudnutelne, ale co je vtipne teraz studujem na vymennom zahranicnom pobyte na slovensku …
drz sa murmotko a vychutnavaj
(ozaj ked som ja za par mesiacoc zvladla nemcinu, ty espanol zvladnes hravo 🙂

Kamarade: Sec, to je zlate misto, taky sem uronil nostalgickou slzu, kdyz sem si na vas vzpomnel..

Ari: poslal jsem ti e-mail .. 🙂

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