
IC & week-end report

Amazing! That is probably the word that can describe my feeling from the trip. I met so many known faces in so short amount of time. Czech aiesecers that went to other countries, delegates and teammates from the EuroXPro2006 conference that I was co-organizing or just other random people I haven’t seen for such a long time (greetings, Fernanda! 🙂

I spent altogether 14 hours by driving, in two days, but it was worth it. Definitely. I felt so well after I came back.. And I felt even better afterwards since I met some of my high-school friends later on Saturday at our traditional “field” reunion. Beer in excess, meat prepared, fire burning and stories being told..

On Sunday afternoon I was watching Formula 1 GP of Turkey and once again I saw a first-ever win of a driver, this time Felipe Massa. I envied him so! 🙂 His face was showing so much emotion when he was standing on the podium. Pretty intense moment. But he deserves it..

Sometimes I wish something like this happens to me as well 🙂

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