Costa Rica 06/07

tripreport, part 1

Takze, tady je kratke shrnuti z moji cesty. Vse se udalo v patek 1. zari.

5:25 stredoevropskeho letniho casu (dale jen CEST), letiste Praha – Ruzyne: Stojim ve fronte a nervozne ocekavam vazeni sveho batohu (tolik sem se bal, abych nebyl pres limit, ze jsem v noci pro jistotu cely batoh zprehazel a neco jsem jeste nechal v byte kamarada), prichazi finalni rozhodnuti: 13,6 kg. Vyprskl jsem smichy, limit byl 20 kg. Duro me asi zastreli, nemam s sebou zadny narodni napoj.. A mam hlad :-/

7:20 CEST, letiste Ruzyne: startujeme. Airbus A320 ma opravdu docela dobre zrychleni, jsem prijemne prekvapen a ohromen tlakem na me vlastni telo, ktery me behem prvnich metru nad zemi zamackava do sedacky. Nanestesti jsme startovali na ranveji 24 (smer Kladno), takze Prahu jsem uz znova nevidel.. Svacinka na palube docela bodla (ale v tu chvili bych asi snedl uplne vsechno 🙂 Dva francouzsti typci vedle me o necem diskutujou a pouzivaji pritom velmi afektovanou gestikulaci, snad ten let nebude trvat dlouho..
9:10 CEST, Pariz, letiste Charles de Gaulle: pristali jsme. Sila brzd Airbusu je jeste lepsi nez zrychleni, behem par sekund jsme temer zastavili.. Dalsich 10 jsme stravili pomalym presunem k nasemu terminalu, letiste je totiz tak velke, ze tady maji na presun mezi terminaly sve vlastni autobusy.. Je tu horko a vetrno, ted uz mam nejen hlad ale i zizen :-/ No ale ted je na rade Jumbo!
10:55 CEST, Pariz, letiste CDG: konecne sedim v letadle. Fronty na cokoliv jsou neskutecne, i kdyz jsem trefil svuj autobus napoprve. Jeste nekolik fotek z okynka (ano, mam okynko – a nahore 🙂 a ted asi budu premyslet o tom, odkud je ten kluk vedle me. Cte si francouzske noviny, s posadkou mluvi spanelsky a na obrazovce ma anglicke titulky..

11:20 CEST, nekde nad Parizi: start Jumba (Boeing 747) me trochu zklamal. Se zrychlenim A320 to nemelo nic spolecneho a stoupalo do vzduchu velmi lenive. A ten zvuk motoru.. Jako rozbita motorka 🙂 Let samotny byl vcelku prijemny, dostal jsem teply a studeny obed a i vino bylo fajn, vsechny 🙂 ale v kabine byla docela zima.. Jedine chvilky na zahrati byly obed a prvni pohled na ostruvky v Karibiku s temer zelenym morem a s plazemi.. Uz se nemuzu dockat az na nejakou taky pojedu!

-= * =-
So, here comes the report from my trip. It all happened during Friday, September 1st.

0525 CEST, Prague Airport: I’m standing in a queue at the check-in and nervously expecting the weight of my bag (I was so afraid of having heavy luggage that I packed it once again and left some things at my friend’s flat), final decision comes: 13.6 kg. Laughing out loud, my limit was 20kg. Duro is going to kill me, I don’t have any drink with me.. And I’m so hungry :-/

0720 CEST, Prague Airport: starting. A320 has a really good acceleration, I’m positively surprised and amazed by the pressure I feel during the first meters above the land. Unfortunately we started on runway 24 in direction Kladno, so there was no possibility to see Prague anymore.. The snack on board is delicious (well, I’d eat anything at that time :), the two French guys next to me are discussing something in a very affectionate way, hopefully the flight is not too long..

0910 CEST, Paris, Charles de Gaulle airport: landing. Braking power of the Airbus is even better than the acceleration, we almost stopped in a few seconds.. Next 10 minutes we spent rolling to our terminal, the airport is so big that you have to use shuttle buses to move between terminals.. It’s quite hot and windy in Paris, I’m not only hungry but also thirsty now :-/ So, here comes the Jumbo!

1055 CEST, Paris, CDG airport: sitting in the plane, finally. The queues are horrible. I’m looking out of my window (yes, I got a window seat!) and thinking what country does the guy next to me comes from. He’s reading French sports newspaper, speaking spanish with the staff and having english subtitles on his videoscreen..

1120 CEST, somewhere above Paris: the take-off of the Jumbo (Boeing747) disappointed me a little bit. It had nothing in common with the acceleration of A320 and was gaining height so slowly. And the sound of engines.. Like a crashed motorcycle 🙂 The flight itself was very comfortable, I was given a hot and a cold lunch, and also the wines were tasty 🙂 but it was so cold in the cabin.. The only warm moments were the lunch and the first sight of Caribbean islands with the sea almost green and the beaches so nice as well.. Can’t wait to go to the beach myself!

2 replies on “tripreport, part 1”

The 747 is much heavier, but its takeoff speed is much bigger than that of 320. So its like comparing Ariel Atom with F599 GTB 🙂
And I can guarantee that from the outside the sound of the engines of 747 is more manly than wheezing of 320 (one of least interesting sounds at all) 🙂

Yes Premku, you are right – I am going to kill you as soon as I come to country visit to Costa Rica. You have approximately 3 weeks to find some liquor store, wheryou can buy Pilsner Urquell and Slivovicu…

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