Costa Rica 06/07

tripreport, part 2

odpoledne mistniho casu, letiste Caracas: jestli v Parizi bylo horko, tak tohle je sauna. Je tady okolo 32 stupnu C, sucho, prach a nejaky podivny smrad, asi vyfuky mistnich nakladaku :-/ Mistni urednici se me snazili navigovat do trech ruznych front a kdyz jsem se zeptal na informacich, poslali me zpatky do prvni. Behem cekani si me (a hlavne muj pas) prisel prohlidnout jeste i mistni policista. Mozna jsem se moc ptal.. A kdyz jsem se konecne dostal na radu, mistni urednik se me zeptal, jestli “Ceska” je krestni jmeno nebo prijmeni, a po mem vysvetleni neprilis dobrou spanelstinou jsem byl poslan na opacny konec letistni haly, aby mi mohli znovu zkontrolovat batuzek :-/ Priste asi budu tak pasivni jako vsichni kolem..

Po dalsi pulhodine cekani a pozorovani hlasitych Latinos, kterak se mezi sebou o cemsi dohaduji, se objevila cedulka “San Jose” a ja byl zachranen. Zanedlouho prijel autobus a zavezl nas k letadlu. Dalsi zkusenost s A320 prede mnou a hezka holka vedle me 🙂

Caracas, stale na letisti: behem nekolika okamziku jsem zjistil, ze ona divcina je mozna hezka, ale nejspise si moc behem naseho trihodinoveho letu nepokecame, ona umela jen spanelsky a francouzsky – a ani v jednom nejsem moc dobry (zatim). Mel jsem se ji zeptat, jestli nahodou neleti tak nekdy za pul roku zpatky 🙂

17:50 mistniho casu (1:50 sobota rano CEST), San Jose, letiste: dest, zima (okolo 20 stupnu), vitr – citim se zase jako doma 🙂 A navic prekvapeni – muj batoh dorazil se mnou, jaky to nadherny den! Na letisti me cekali dva mistni ajsekari a dve dalsi divciny na ceste v dopravni zacpe (nastesti cesta do domu meho buddyho Ricarda uz to bylo bez problemu).. Dum, ve kterem zije, je docela hezky, ale nemame moc casu na prohlizeni..
21:45 mistniho casu (03:45 sobota rano CEST), Heredia: jsem predstaven mistni pobocce AIESEC, soucasnym praktikantum a dalsim na uvitaci party, seznamen s asi 30 lidmi, ze kterych si pamatuju tak 5 jmen a do ruky jsem dostal pivo “Bavaria” (podezrivam nemeckou praktikantku Nikolu). Prvni dojem – tady se mi bude libit! Vsichni me vrele vitali, trasli mi rukou a snazili se vyslovit moje jmeno 🙂 Premyslim jenom o jedne veci – kdy uz se konecne dostanu do postele.. Ale kdyz to pivo je docela chutne a Smirnoff Ice taky..

2:30 mistniho casu (10:30 sobota CEST): spaaaaaat! Po vice nez 50 hodinach vzhuru si myslim, ze si to zaslouzim..

-= * =-
afternoon local time, Caracas airport: if Paris was hot, this was sauna. Around 32C, dry, dusty and full of fuel smell :-/ The officers navigated me into three different queues and when I tried to ask at the info desk, they sent me to the first one again. During the time I was waiting a policeman came just to check my passport, maybe because I had questions earlier.. When I was at the counter, the man asked me if “Ceska” is my first name or surname and after I explained it, I was sent to the opposite side of the airport hall to have my bag checked again :-/ Next time, I will be just as passive as everyone else..

After next half an hour of waiting and watching those loud Latinos argue with each other, a sign with “San Jose” appeared and I was saved. A shuttle bus came in a moment and brought us to our plane. Another A320 experience in front of me and a nice girl next to me 🙂

Caracas, still at the airport: in several moments I realized, that the girl might be nice, but we won’t talk a lot during the three-hour flight, she knew only French and Spanish – and I’m not good in any of them yet. I should have asked if she is flying back in 6 months 🙂

1750 local time (0150 CEST), San Jose, airport: rain, cold (around 20C), windy – I feel like at home 🙂 And as a surprise – my bag came with me, what a beautiful day! There were two guys waiting for me at the airport and two girls (that had to bring me to my buddy Ricardo’s house) in a traffic jam.. The house he lives in is nice, but there is no time to exploring yet.

2145 local time (0345 CEST), Heredia: I’m being presented to local trainees, aiesecers and friends as the new trainee on a welcome party, introducted to around 30 people out of which I remember some 5 and given a can of “Bavaria” beer (I’m suspecting the newcoming German trainee Nikola). First impression – I’m going to like it here! With everyone so warmly greeting me, shaking hands and trying to pronounce my name 🙂 There’s only one thing I’m still thinking of – when I get to bed.. But since the beer tastes really good and Smirnoff Ice as well..

0230 local time (1030 CEST): sleeeeeeeep! After more than 50 hours awake I think I deserve it…

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