
trochu sportu neuskodi / a bit of sports does not harm

Dival jsem se do historie prispevku a dlouho jsem tady nic nenapsal o sportu a o tom, co momentalne hybe sportovnim svetem (ok, tak sportovni republikou 🙂

V prvni rade fotbal, na ten tady zapomenout nemuzu, je vsude kolem, kam narazite na obchody a vcera jsem si konecne koupil mistni fotbalovy dres. Uz muzu mezi lidi 🙂 Akorat, ze nejvetsi velikost meli L (a jeste pekne spinavy) takze mam o duvod vic pracovat na sve fyzicke kondici. Tim myslim hubnuti.

Co se tyka ceskeho fotbalu, me oblibene kluby se v tabulkach pohybuji tam, kde jsem to (jakozto odveky pesimista) tak nejak ocekaval. Ale tristni bilanci prazskeho klubu na \”S\” v poharu UEFA jim nepreju ani ja, uz kvuli narodnimu koeficientu. Reprezentace ma nadejne rozehranou kvalifikaci na EURO2008, mladeznicky tym do 20 let ceka ME a s tim spojeny boj o mista na olympiadu v Cine.

Zato hokejova liga zatim dramaticnost nepostrada. Na vedouci pozici se vystridalo sedm klubu, mezi tretim a trinactym celkem tabulky je neustale pouze devet bodu a to po polovine souteze cekal asi jenom malokdo.. Jenom skoda, ze ty Vitkovice jsou tak hluboko..

Podobne prekvapive skoncil i zapas, ve kterem na nasem skolnim hristi tento tyden nastoupili ucitele a zamestnanci proti studentum. Nutno podotknout, ze studentsky vyber vyhral dva posledni meziskolni turnaje a ve stredu nas, pri pripravnem zapase, vyskolil v pomeru 6-2. Jenze v patek bylo vsechno jinak a i s prispenim husteho deste ve druhem polocase jsme vratili studentum porazku, vyhrali jsme 8-6 🙂 Do strelecke listiny jsem se nezapsal a mam pocit, ze jsem ani nevystrelil na branku. O duvod vic zacit brat to sportovani vazne 🙂

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I was searching through the posts history and for a long time I haven’t written anything about important events in the sports world (ok, at least country 🙂

As the first one – football. I can’t forget about it here, it’s all around, in the stores and I even bought a local national jersey. Finally 🙂 Unfortunately the biggest size in the shop was L (and quite dirty) so that I have one more reason to work on my physical condition. That means to put off.

Concerning czech football, my local clubs are unfortunately in the tables where I (as eternal pessimist) expected them. But I didn’t wish that tragic performance of the “S” club from Prague, at least because of the national ranking. The national team has a very well started qualification round for EURO2008, the youth team under-20 awaits European Championship and their fights for a possible place in the Olympic Games in China.

But the ice-hockey league does not lack a lot of drama. Seven clubs were leading the table so far, there are only 9 points between third and thirteenth team and this was only rarely expected.. It’s the only pity that my favorite club Vitkovice is that low..

As a similar surprise could be our match of staff vs. students result. The game was held on Friday afternoon on the school pitch and even though the students’ team has won last two inter-school competitions and the training match on Wednesday saw our 6-2 torture, we were able to keep a strong pace and won 8-6. We also profited from a heavy rain in the second half and so we could enjoy our sweet (but wet) revenge. I haven’t scored and I have the feeling that I even didn’t have a single shot on goal. One more reason to take up sports more seriously 🙂

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