Costa Rica 06/07

prvni snih! / first snow!

V jednom ze svych prispevku se Kyslik zminoval v Ghane o prekvapenich, ktere nastane po jakekoli mistni zmince o rodne zemi. Ja jich tady potkavam az necekane hodne – od obcasnych Skodovek, pres fotky libereckeho fotbaloveho tymu v novinach (hraje tam jeden kostarican, Winston Parks) az po billboardy s Petrem Cechem nebo Nicole Vaidisovou (fotbalovy brankar a tenistka, pozn. aut. 🙂

Patecni odpoledne na me ale prichystalo neco uplne noveho – ulice celeho centra San Jose byly bile! Mistni nejspise slavili 16 dni do Vanoc, oficialne skoncil skolni rok nebo testovali uklidove sluzby, protoze jak jinak si vysvetlit ty (nebojim se rict) tisice lidi s pytlikama bilych konfet (ano, tech malinkych utrzku papiru znamych ze stadionu nebo koncertu), kteryma se budto snazili “vylepsit” image okolojdoucich nebo je proste vyhazovali do vzduchu a tim za prispeni poulicnich lamp dotvareli dojem snehovych vlocek. Jo, to je presne to, co mi tady chybi. Ted uz jenom tech minus deset..

Paradoxem zustava, ze mam tady bile ulice drive nez v Evrope, ktera se poti v “tropickych” teplotach a i velka zimni sportovni strediska rusi jeden lyzarsky zavod za druhym. Pocasi se asi zblaznilo a ja zacinam premyslet, ze mozna ani nebudu muset Durovi tu bundu pujcovat, az se na Vanoce bude vracet domu.. 🙂

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In one of his posts Kyslik described surprises that he experienced in Ghana with any mention of our country. I’ve been seeing quite lot of them (more than I expected) – from Skoda cars and pictures of Liberec football team (there is one Costa Rican player there, Winston Parks) to advertising billboard with Petr Cech or Nicole Vaidisova (football goalkeeper and a tennis player, editor’s note 🙂

Friday afternoon prepared something completely different – streets of the whole San Jose centre were white! The locals have been probably celebrating 16 days before Christmas, official end of the school year or just testing local cleaning service, because otherwise I can’t explain to myself those (I’m not afraid of saying) thousands of people with bags of white confetti (yes, those tiny pieces of paper known from stadiums or concerts), which they used to “improve” image of other people in the streets or just to throw in the air that maybe a beautiful snowflake effect using the street lamps shine. Yes, that’s exactly what I miss here. Now only having ten below zero..

The paradox of this story is that we’re having white streets earlier than Europe that is still sweating with “tropical” temperatures and even the big wintersports centers have to cancel skiing races. The weather probably went crazy and I start to think that maybe I won’t have to lend Duro a winter jacket for his Christmas visit at home.. 🙂

One reply on “prvni snih! / first snow!”

O tom, ze se pocasi zblaznilo je zminka uz v Kosmove kronice. Lidi si proste ty minule zimy moc idealizujou, zejmena kdyz jeste pred par lety chodili sankovat 😉
(Teplotni rekordy padaji, ale prevazne rekordy z let 1979 a 1961, coz je prece jen pomerne nedavno).

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