Costa Rica 06/07

vylety na fotbal, na koncert a k vode / trips to football match, a concert and a beach

Protoze vam dluzim vypraveni za poslednich par tydnu, v kratkosti se s vama podelim o nekolik postrehu.

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Since I haven’t shared any information about some last few weeks, here they are, in a little shorter version.

1) fotbal: O tom, ze Kostarika je silene fotbalova zeme, jsem uz psal mnohokrat. Koneckoncu i v Cesku se psaly clanky o tom, ze trener reprezentace podal po nepodarenem MS demisi, protoze se bal osobnich hrozeb a utoku na rodinu. Ale byt na stadione je uplne neco jineho. I kdyz jsou v pomeru k ceskym male, hlucno je dostatecne a kdyz nahodou sedite v sektoru fanousku souperova tymu, musite se hodne krotit. I kdyz, to jenom pred zapasem. V 15. minute totiz “muj” klub prohraval 0-3 :-/ a pak uz se nechtelo hrat hracum ani jedne strany.. Takova drobna paralela by tu byla.. (par fotek najdete v galerii)

2) koncert: Black Eyed Peas nezklamali, zato mistni ano. Nejenze jsme si v prostoru pro stani mohli zahrat fotbal (malo lidi), ze do VIP prostoru pred podiem nastavely plastikove zahradni zidlicky (na ktere si pak vsichni samozrejme stoupli) se jeste tak nejak dalo prezit. Ale ze zvuk nedokazali nastavit ani behem pulhodinove predkapely, to nastvalo. Takze prvni dve, tri pisnicky skutecne nikdo jiny naz VIP nejspise neslyseli. Pak uz to bylo fajn. Obzvlaste petiminutovka bez velkych svetel jenom s malinkyma svetylkama mobilu v ochozech stala za to.. Akorat jsem netusil, ze se na jejich koncertu budu citit jako staresina rodu, vekovy prumer bych hadal tak na 15 a pul.. (fotky nemam, zakazali vnaset fotaky :-/ ale zkusim nejake sehnat)

3) zase voda: Tentokrat jsme byli pozvani na “chalupu” k pobrezi Ticheho oceanu v provincii Guanacaste, presneji plaz Potrero. Prostredi uzasne, voda o dost studenejsi nez jsem cekal. Taky z toho bylo to pekelne nachlazeni.. Ale jako relax to bylo supr – lezet v jacuzzi pod otevrenym nebem se stovkama hvezd lehce zakrytyma palmovyma listama se mi asi jeste dlouho nepodari 🙂 Fotek mam jenom par, protoze jsem pak nemel naladu ani fotit. Ale verim tomu, ze ostatni fotili ostosest (dukaz – link).

4) tip na vylet: nevim, jestli jste to zaznamenali, ale Student Agency dela aukce vybranych jizdenek a letenek, doporucuju si to projit.. link

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1) football: I’ve already mentioned Costa Rica being a really football country several times. Even in the Czech Republic you could have noticed some articles about the resignation of a national team coach, because he felt unsecure after unsuccessful performance at the World Cup. But to be in the stadium, it’s completely different. Even though they are quite small compared to ours, fans are able to produce enough noise and if you’re somehow find yourself in the middle of the opposite team fans, you should start behaving peacefully. Well, mostly before the match starts. In the 15th minute “may team” was losing 0-3 :-/ and then nobody wanted to play anymore, not even the players.. That reminds me of a little similarity.. (you can find some pictures in the gallery)

2) the concert: Black Eyed Peas did not disappoint anyone, the locals however did. Not mentioning the fact we could have been playing football in the area for standing crowd (so few people) and the existence of plastic garden chairs in the VIP area in front of the podium (which everyone there stood on preventing the following rows of people to watch only the big screens), but the fact that they were not able to tune the sound during the half-an-hour performance of a guest group – that was awful. This resulted of first two or three songs not to be heard by any other people than VIP.. Only after then everything was setting down to be ok. The five minutes part of the concert without big lights, only with those tiny little lights of mobile phones in the crowd was really worth it.. I just wasn’t prepared to feel as an old guy attending their concert, the average age being around 15,5.. (I’m without photos, cameras were prohibited during the performance :-/ but I’ll try to get some)

3) water again: This time we were invited to a “cottage” at the Pacific ocean coast in the province of Guanacaste, the beach was called Potrero. The place was amazing, only the water was a lot colder than I expected. I got cold pretty bad.. But as a relaxing weekend, it was fabulous – lying in a jacuzzi under the starlight of hundreds of stars, just a little covered by palmtree leaves, that’s something to remember 🙂 I only have a small amount of photos, I just got a bad mood (because of being cold). But the others took more of them (a proof – link).

4) a tip for a trip: Student Agency, a Czech transport company, has started promotion of their auctions of tickets over Internet. Unfortunately for you, the page is in Czech..

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