
stredoamericka mafie / central american mafia

Ne, nebojte, nebudu vas strasit, to jenom pocet Cechoslovaku v teto casti sveta se opet trochu zvysil..

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No, don’t be afraid, we just increased the number of Czechoslovaks in this part of the world..

Vcera totiz za mnou a Durem priletela Zdenka, nase spoluzacka z VSE, ktera tady s nama stravi pristi 4 tydny. Bohuzel, uz na zacatku nam nastala drobna komplikace – cekame na zavazadla (vcetne piv a slivovice :), asi jsem vazne bila vrana, ze jsem jediny, komu se podarilo dorazit zaroven i se svym batohem.. Asi to vazne dela ten alkohol, ja jsem zadny nevezl (za coz se doted stydim)..

Plan cesty muzete najit tady, obavam se ale, ze ho budeme muset trochu prizpusobit soucasnym podminkam, takze na sever vyrazime o neco pozdeji.. Kazdopadne se budeme ozyvat jak casto to jen pujde.. Toz zatim ahoj..

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Zdenka, our university classmate, has arrived yesterday and will join us for the next 4 weeks. Unfortunately her luggage is still on the way – I’m probably the only white crow, because I was lucky to be the only one not “losing” my bag during the journey. It’s probably because of the alcohol (I wasn’t carrying anything, which I’m still ashamed of 🙂 ..

It also means a little complication in our plan, we will probably have to postpone our trip north. Anyway we will try to send some messages also later on.. See you soon..

2 replies on “stredoamericka mafie / central american mafia”

Heeeee How are you doing?? Just checking out your weblog on a break during work!
At last I see your pictures!
Enjoy and see you a mi casa!

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