
5 tydnu ve zkratce / 5 weeks in short

Toz sem se dokopal k tomu, zase po dlouhem case neco maleho napsat na blog. Ani jsem se nezminoval o tom, jak se mi po prijezdu dari, co ted vlastne delam (kdyz teda porad nechodim do skoly a jeste chvili chodit nebudu) a co chystam na pristich par mesicu. Jak jsem byl na kazdeho nastvany, ze nic nepise, tak se cervenam, ze uz jsem se do teto skupiny zaradil taky.

Tak se to pokusim napravit a zkratit vse do prijatelne podoby:

  • za prvnich 60 hodin v Cesku jsem stihnul urazit asi 950 kilometru, z toho 120 za volantem, a videt se s vice nez polovinou sve (pomerne rozsahle) rodiny
  • potreti jsem se zucastnil Career Days, tentokrat v roli “interniho fotografa” (at uz si pod tim nazvem predstavite cokoliv 🙂
  • sel na ples a pritom si ani nezatancoval
  • stravil tri hodiny v Plzni (autobusove nadrazi – ekon. fakulta – hospudka naproti – autobusove nadrazi)
  • absolvoval (jenom) 5 pohovoru (z toho 2 po telefonu) a nastoupil do zamestnani
  • zasel si na koncert v ramci FebioFestu a pozdravil kamarady (a taky si poslechl, jak hraji 🙂
  • zucastnil se planovaciho vikendu, lokalni a po roce i narodni konference AIESEC, kde jsem mel prilezitost vest jeden z treninku

Jak se na to tak divam, neni to spatne, ale k dokonalosti to ma jeste daleko. Za tu dobu se toho dalo stihnout o dost vic..

-= * =-

Well, finally I made myself to write some words to my blog after a long while. I haven’t even written about how my life after returning back looks like, what I do now (since I don’t attend classes now) and what my plans for the next couple of months are. Even though I was always dissappointed about empty blogs of my friends, I am now vecoming one of those..

To keep things short:

  • in first 60 hours in the Czech Republic I managed to travel about 950 kms, out of which 120 when I was driving, and see more than half of my (quite large) family
  • for the third time I took part in Career Days, this time as “internal photographer” (whatever you imagine in these words 🙂
  • I went for a dancing ball and haven’t danced at all
  • spent three hours in Plzen (bus terminal – faculty of economics – a pub across the street – bus terminal)
  • got through (only) 5 interviews (including 2 phone calls) and started my job
  • went for a concert during FebioFest film festival, heard my friends play and greeted them
  • took an active part in planning weekend, local and (after a year) also national conference of AIESEC where I also had an opportunity to lead one of trainings

As I look at it now, it’s not bad, but still it’s quite far from perfect. I could have done much more..

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