
dalsi carka na seznamu mest / another city on my list

Reka tady je, ale Vltava ani Odra to neni. Hrad tady maji, ale ma nejaky zvlastne pravidelny tvar. Jazyk mistnich obyvatel velmi dobre znam, a presto se neodvazuju jim mluvit. Zvlastni pocit jsem mel pri vystupovani na hlavnej stanici, ktera stoji v oblouku. Tak zname mesto, a presto jsem tady poprve.

Nastoupil sem do jedne ceske IT firmy a na prvnim pohovoru na konci skoleni mi nabidli projekty i mimo Prahu. Bratislavu jsem zaslechl na konci seznamu, ale zaujala me. Ke Slovensku jsem mel vzdy vrely vztah (bez poznamek :), v minulosti jsem ale mel moznost poznat pouze okoli stredniho Vahu a malinkou cast Nizkych Tater, hlavni mesto se mym vyletum z nejakeho duvodu vyhybalo. Tak jsem se rozhodl, ze to napravim.

Mam za sebou teprve lehce pres tyden, ale Blava se mi zacina libit cim dal vic. Vsechno v centru je v dochazkove vzdalenosti, na vetsinu cestovani do okolnich casti vystaci pulhodinova jizdenka a dopravni situace byva vetsinou velmi dobra, i ve spicce (i kdyz tem se snazim spise vyhybat).

A hlavne – uz mam konecne s sebou i fotak, tak se budu snazit priblizit vam alespon na obrazcich jedno ze tri hlavnich mest na Dunaji. Tak me napada, je dost mozne, ze v pristich tydnech zvladnu i ty dalsi dve. Nejblizsim terminem je 8. kveten a Viden – prida se nekdo?

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There is a river, but it’s either Vltava nor Odra. There is a castle at the river, but it has somehow precise geometrical shape. I know the language very well and thus I’m not brave enough to speak it. I had a strange feeling when I was getting off at the railway station being in the curve. It’s quite known city, but this is my first time.

I started working for a Czech IT company and during the first interview I was offered also some projects outside Prague. I heard Bratislava at the end of the list, but I felt interested. I always had a “warm” relationship towards Slovakia, but I only had the chance to get to know surroundings of the river Vah and a little piece of Nizke Tatry mountains, my trips always went in different ways, not in the capital. And now I decided to change it.

I’ve been here for only a little more than a week, but Bratislava is going to be nicer and nicer to me. It’s only a several minutes walk to any place in the center, you need only 30-minutes ticket to the surrounding areas and the traffic situation is usually quite good, even during peak hours (although I’m trying to avoid them).

And – the most important – finally I have my camera with me, which means I’m going to give you also some pictures of one of 3 capital at the Danube river. It just comes to my mind that I might be able to get to the other two cities during upcoming weeks. The nearest one is Vienna, on May 8th. Anybody wants to join me?

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